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Yoga, Dangers, Spiritual Health, Religion

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that has been embraced by people of all ages across the world. It is often seen as a form of physical exercise, but many practitioners of yoga cite a spiritual connection as well. However, for those of us who adhere to a biblical worldview, there are dangers associated with yoga that must be considered.

First, it is important to note that yoga is rooted in Hinduism, a religion that is completely incompatible with Christianity. By engaging in yoga, practitioners are opening themselves up to Hindu beliefs and gods, which are contrary to the teachings of the Bible. This can lead to confusion and spiritual compromise, as one’s faith may become intertwined with the beliefs of Hinduism.

Second, practicing yoga can also be a form of idolatry. Hindus worship numerous gods, and yoga is seen as a means of connecting with these gods. For those of us with a biblical worldview, this is tantamount to worshipping false gods, something that is expressly forbidden in the Bible.

Third, yoga can be a gateway to the occult. The practice of yoga is said to bring practitioners into contact with unseen spiritual forces, and this can lead to dabbling in the occult and even demonic activity. This is something that should be avoided at all costs, as it can lead to dangerous spiritual consequences.

Finally, yoga can also lead to unhealthy physical practices. It is not uncommon for practitioners of yoga to become overly focused on their physical appearance, or to engage in extreme diets and exercise regimens. This can lead to serious health problems and should be avoided.

For those of us with a biblical worldview, it is important to be aware of the dangers associated with yoga. It is a practice rooted in Hinduism and can lead to confusion, idolatry, and unhealthy physical practices. It is important to be vigilant and to guard our spiritual health.


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