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The Coming Cost of Following Jesus in the End Times

The Coming Cost of Following Jesus in the End Times

In the tumultuous times we live in today, it becomes crucial for those who adhere to a biblical worldview to cling firmly to their faith in Jesus Christ. As we approach the end times - an era marked by various challenges, tribulations, and moral decay - it is essential to study the Scriptures and understand the cost associated with following Jesus.

Increasing Persecution:

In the final days, the Bible warns us that followers of Jesus will face intense persecution for their faith (Matthew 24:9). As the world distances itself from biblical teachings and embraces secular ideologies, Christian values will increasingly clash with prevailing societal norms. Staying true to the teachings of Jesus might result in rejection, discrimination, and even physical harm.

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Moral Compromise and Ethical Dilemmas:

With the prevalence of moral relativism and the deterioration of commonly upheld values, it will become increasingly challenging to maintain Christ’s standards. As we are bombarded with pressures to compromise on issues such as sexuality, materialism, and ethical dilemmas, followers of Jesus will face the uphill battle of adhering to uncompromising biblical truths.

Economic Disadvantage:

In the end times, we may witness a global economic system that promotes materialistic gains over spiritual well-being. Holding onto Godly principles such as generosity, integrity, and contentment may cost believers lucrative business deals, promotion opportunities, or possibly even employment. Choosing obedience to Jesus can result in economic disadvantages but yields eternal rewards (Matthew 6:19-21).

Family and Social Divide:

Following Jesus wholeheartedly may lead to a division within families and social circles. The Bible foretells this division, stating that people's choices to pursue or reject Christ's teachings may put them at odds with those closest to them (Matthew 10:34-37). The cost of discipleship in these circumstances might involve loneliness, strained relationships, and the need to stand alone for the truth.

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Endurance Through Tribulation:

As the end times draw near, believers will undoubtedly encounter tribulations, hardships, and suffering (John 16:33). Remaining steadfast in faith, relying on God's strength, and drawing close to Him will require unwavering perseverance. The cost will be enduring trials, patiently waiting for the Lord's deliverance, and trusting Him amidst chaos.

In these last days, the cost of following Jesus embodies a willingness to lay aside personal comfort, aspirations, and conformity to societal norms. We must anticipate increasing persecution, moral compromise, economic disadvantages, family and social divisions, and the need for endurance through tribulation. However, with a biblical worldview, we recognize that although the cost is high, the eternal rewards and the promise of God's presence make following Jesus in the end times the most worthwhile investment we could ever make. As believers, let us prepare ourselves by deepening our relationship with Christ, taking up our crosses daily, and immersing ourselves in His Word.


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