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Navigating the Waves of Global Politics: End Times Government's Role

The Fractured Truth| Battle Armor Apologetics | Navigating the Waves of Global Politics: End Times Government's Role

In the words of Archimedes, "Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I will move the world." Once a mathematical law of physics, this statement has evolved into mankind's megalomaniacal desire for power and control. Throughout history, kings and rulers have varied from benevolent to despotic, exemplifying the world's broad spectrum of political leadership.

Originally, the term "politics" referred to the affairs of cities in ancient Greece, and later, kings ruled over individual cities in Canaan, according to the Old Testament. However, the clamor for centralized authority led to the appointment of kings among the Israelites, resulting in warnings about the potential loss of freedom and prosperity under such rulers.

Today, there is a growing demand for expanding governmental power, with calls for new laws to address every perceived problem. This expectation plays into the schemes of our adversary, who seeks to elevate himself above God's authority.

It is crucial to recognize that government itself is not inherently evil. Just as God established the family as the foundation of society, government serves a purpose in maintaining order, promoting societal goods, and dealing with wrongs. Government can be a force for good when confined to its proper boundaries.

However, throughout history, Satan has lured humanity into pursuing power and policies that reject God's laws and seek to supplant His authority. From the time of the Tower of Babel, these ambitions have led to disappointment, failure, and heartbreak.

The Bible warns that in the End Times, nations will align in specific ways, and aspiring global elitists will try to manipulate them like pawns on a chessboard. Today's complex world of politics is seen as a sign that the Lord's return is imminent.

As Christians witnessing the unfolding signs of world politics, we find solace in knowing neither political party nor ideology will ultimately prevail. The Lamb who was slain, Jesus Christ, will return as a roaring Lion to establish His righteous Kingdom on earth.

In anticipation of this glorious and benevolent Monarchy, we eagerly await the day when the King of kings makes His final move, bringing true justice, peace, and fulfillment to the world.


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