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Dangers of the New Age

The New Age movement has been gaining in popularity in recent years, but it can present serious risks to individuals who follow its teachings. From a biblical worldview, these dangers are rooted in a distortion of the truth and can lead to spiritual confusion and even deception.

The New Age focuses on spiritual exploration and encourages individuals to focus on their own spiritual development. While this may sound appealing, the teachings of the New Age often contradict the Bible and contain elements of occult practices. This can lead to confusion and spiritual deception as people attempt to reconcile the teachings of the New Age with those of the Bible.

The New Age also promotes the idea that humans possess the power to create their own reality. This is in direct opposition to the biblical teaching that God is the only one who has ultimate authority over our lives. When we try to take control of our lives and our destiny, it can lead to dangerous consequences.

The New Age also promotes the idea that all religions are equally valid. This is in direct opposition to the biblical teaching that there is only one true path to salvation, through Jesus Christ. When we try to mix different religious beliefs, it can lead to spiritual confusion and deception.

The New Age also encourages people to experiment with alternative spiritual practices and techniques, such as channeling, tarot cards, and astral projection. These practices are not biblical, and can open us up to the influence of evil spirits, leading to spiritual bondage and manipulation.

Finally, the New Age promotes the idea of personal transformation and self-improvement. While there is nothing wrong with trying to improve oneself, the New Age often promotes a false idea of perfection that is rooted in pride and self-centeredness. The Bible teaches us that we are all broken and in need of a savior, and that only God can truly transform us.

The dangers of the New Age from a biblical worldview are clear. We must be careful to guard our hearts and minds from any teachings that contradict the Bible, and instead seek out the truth that can only be found in God’s Word.


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